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    kaitian123 2010-05-20 10:53


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    kaitian123 2010-05-20 10:59


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    kaitian123 2010-05-20 11:00


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    kaitian123 2010-05-20 11:02


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  • 回到现实,我已经结婚五个月了,成了很出名的作家。我心里还在想李平,虽然很想忘了他,可就是做不到。明天我就要去北京取材,我要写一本关于北京的书。我坐在床上收拾衣服,张玉明坐在客厅看着我不说话,我们这半个月都在冷战,他被我赶到客厅睡觉。     我收拾好了行李他才开口说:“柳晨你都快走了,怎么还不原谅我?” &nb
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  • 我的名字叫柳晨,今年23岁,家在上海市。我家里的条件一般,爸爸和妈妈一起经营一个规模不大的饭店。我是一个网络作家,现在还出过几本书,算是小有名气。长相还算漂亮,性格活泼开朗。现在就讲一下我的故事。     其实我现在已经结婚五个月了,嫁给了一个比我大两岁的男人。他叫张玉明,是我在高中是认识的。长相还可以,身
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  • 平板電視基礎導購

    最近由於想更新家裏的平板電視,對市面上主流的LED背光,LCD背光,PDP平板電視做了一次較為詳實的調研,歷時一月有余,在網絡和蘇寧,國美以及各大商場實地進行了資料收集,回來做了一個簡單的梳理,並放到網上與大家分享一下這些經驗。 首先來會說基本概念,LED背光和LCD背光同屬液晶電視的範疇,而PDP屬於等離子電視。兩者的成像原理天
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    Many people want to own an authentic Louis Vuitton( ヴィトン コピー ) purse or a LV handbag because of its unique and luxurious design. If you want to get a genuine authentic Louis Vuitton purse or handbag and you don't want to be ripped off by purchasing a fake one from a dishonest seller I hav
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    If you are an avid fitness walker or have been looking for different weight loss methods, than I am sure you have heard of MBT shoes. Also known as the anti-shoe, it is a range of footwear that helps improve posture, work a lot of different muscle groups, and aids in burning more calories. But t
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