



  • 貌似樂高積木的Gumdrop保護套

    貌似樂高積木的Gumdrop保護套 相信蘋果iPhone 4的設計過於中規中矩,使得許多消費者對蘋果的設計師產生了懷疑,但是喜歡可愛風格的用戶依舊可以通過時尚的保護套來滿足自己對iPhone 4可愛造型的精心打造。而我們接下來要介紹的這款外殼給人的第一感覺就是樂高玩具的“復刻版”。 這款長相頗似“樂高玩具”的蘋果
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  • Buying a Wedding Dress - 6 Tips For Finding a Sale

    Buying a Wedding Dress - 6 Tips For Finding a Sale Buying a wedding dress can be emotional, especially when you have dreamed of the style of your dress since you were a little girl, plus wedding dresses can be expensive, which doesn't help when you are trying to choose the dress of your dre
    798 次閱讀|沒有評論
  • 北京時間6月22日晚,在南非世界杯A組第三輪的一場交鋒中,東道主南非在自由洲球場2比1擊敗法國(點擊查看技術統計),三戰1勝1平1負,因為凈勝球的劣勢名列第三,成為歷史上第一支小組賽即被淘汰的東道主球隊,法國則僅積1分墊底出局。第20分鐘,庫馬洛頭球首開紀錄,第25分鐘,古爾庫夫肘擊染紅罰下,第37分鐘,穆費拉擴大領先優勢。第70分鐘,馬
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  • 世界杯-冷門!最大冷門! 西班牙0-1不敵瑞士

    在南非世界杯H組首輪的一場交鋒中,奪冠第一熱門西班牙在德班球場0比1意外負於瑞士(點擊查看技術統計),制造了本屆杯賽的第一個大冷門。第52分鐘,費爾南德斯攻入全場唯一入球,送給西班牙最近13場比賽的首場失利,鬥牛士軍團11連勝的腳步戛然而止,而瑞士是歷史上第一次戰勝西班牙(點擊進入專題)。 視頻集錦:最大冷門誕生!
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  • How to Care For UGG Boots

    Many people buy UGG boots day in and day out, yet do they really know how to care for these lovely items? Most do not know the true way to care for the UGG boots. Your UGG boots are made from precious sheepskin, which is naturally resistant to small amounts of water and are made to keep your fee
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  • 分享


    buihang 2010-06-11 15:52


    ホームページ製作 Em àh, trái tim anh rất nhiều ngăn. Ngăn thứ 1 chắc chắn em đã biết dành cho ai. ホームページ制作 Thể ngăn thứ 2 em muốn biết anh dành cho ai không? Vẫn chỉ cho người em đoán ở trên. ホームページ作成 Tới ngăn t
    895 次閱讀|沒有評論
  • MBT The Anti-Shoe at Discount

    If you are an avid fitness walker or have been looking for different weight loss methods, than I am sure you have heard of MBT shoes. Also known as the anti-shoe, it is a range of footwear that helps improve posture, work a lot of different muscle groups, and aids in burning more calories. But t
    1545 次閱讀|沒有評論
  • How to Spot a Fake Louis Vuitton (LV) Handbag

    Many people want to own an authentic Louis Vuitton( ヴィトン コピー ) purse or a LV handbag because of its unique and luxurious design. If you want to get a genuine authentic Louis Vuitton purse or handbag and you don't want to be ripped off by purchasing a fake one from a dishonest seller I hav
    1639 次閱讀|沒有評論
  • 平板電視基礎導購

    最近由於想更新家裏的平板電視,對市面上主流的LED背光,LCD背光,PDP平板電視做了一次較為詳實的調研,歷時一月有余,在網絡和蘇寧,國美以及各大商場實地進行了資料收集,回來做了一個簡單的梳理,並放到網上與大家分享一下這些經驗。 首先來會說基本概念,LED背光和LCD背光同屬液晶電視的範疇,而PDP屬於等離子電視。兩者的成像原理天
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  • 我的名字叫柳晨,今年23岁,家在上海市。我家里的条件一般,爸爸和妈妈一起经营一个规模不大的饭店。我是一个网络作家,现在还出过几本书,算是小有名气。长相还算漂亮,性格活泼开朗。现在就讲一下我的故事。     其实我现在已经结婚五个月了,嫁给了一个比我大两岁的男人。他叫张玉明,是我在高中是认识的。长相还可以,身
    802 次閱讀|沒有評論